Рус Бел Eng

More than two thousand species of plants are known for the territory of the reserve. Of them: vascular - 822, bryophytes - 216, mushrooms - 464, algae - 317, lichens - 261.

3.jpgBryophyt. 216 species (about 50 % of the bryophyta in Belarus) of the bryoflora have been identified in the Berezinsky Reserve. Anthocerotopsida class is represented by one species, Hepaticopsida class - by 54 species from 34 genera and 25 families, Bryopsida class - 161 species from 76 genera and 36 families. Hepatics belong to 2 subclasses - Marchantiidae (5 specie from 3 genera and families) and Jungermanniidae (48 species from 30 genera and 21 families). Mosses also include representatives of 2 subclasses - Sphagnidae (22 species from 1 genus and family) and Bryidae (139 species from 75 genera and 35 families). Only on the territory of the reserve in Belarus there are 3 known species of hepatics (Riccia ciliata, Lophozia ascendens, Scapania apiculata) and 2 species of mosses (Dicranum majus and Orthotrichum diaphanum).

Bryophyta occur in different phytocenoses and on various substrata (soil, rotten wood, stones, concrete buildings, turfs of mosses and lichens, sites of a fire, dropping of the hoofed) and also in the reserve water.

Forest associations apear to be the richest in bryophyta species. Ground species comprise - 108, epixylous - 86 and epiphytes - 68 of them. There are 70 known species in mires, 47 of them - in the eutrophic, 36 - in mesotrophic, 20 - in oligotrophic ones. 30 species were recorded in meadows, 59 - on soil barings, 47 - on stones, 1 - on the droppings of the hoofed animals, 7 - in the water.

As regards the main ecological factors, representatives of the following ecogroups turned to be dominating: eutrophic, oligomesotrophic and mesotrophic by the trophyty; mesophytic, hygrophytic and xeromesophytic by humidity; acidophiles, hyperacidophiles and mesoacidophiles by the medium response (pH).

The reserve bryoflora is nemoral-boreal in geographical aspect. The characteristic feature of this bryoflora is the presense of hypoarctic and oceanic species in it. 24 species of the "mountain ecology" have been recorded there. The hypoarctic species (60 % of the bryophyta in the reserve) are of the utmost interest as well as similar remnants of the periglacial flora (Cinclidium stygium, Paludella squarrosa, Meesia triquetra etc.).

Bryoflora, as peculiar, inseparable part of the plant components of the reserve, is unique and at the same time is a model for the broad-leaved-spruce forests subzone and, thus, turn to be worth protecting and further studying. The bryoflora protection is real only within the framework of the phytocenoses protection. 10 species of the reserve bryophyta are represented in the Belarus' Red Data Book.
